Bouquet of Kindness is organized for charitable purposes in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is dedicated to providing floral bouquets to hospitals, hospice, and veterans medical facilities
Bouquet of Kindness is organized for charitable purposes in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is dedicated to providing floral bouquets to hospitals, hospice, and veterans medical facilities
When loved ones are hospitalized for long periods of time, flowers can be one of the most encouraging and uplifting gifts you can give. Flowers brighten the room and serve as a constant reminder of how much patients are loved. Flowers have an immediate impact on happiness and patients report feeling less depressed and less anxious after receiving flowers
Providing Comfort
Bouquet of Kindness improves the emotional health and well-being of individuals in health care facilities by delivering beautiful flower bouquets and encouragement to lift the spirits and emotional health of patients and families
Saluting Our Veterans
There are over 20 million veterans who served our country with dignity and honor with many facing years of medical and rehabilitation therapies that require prolonged hospitalization. Bouquet of Kindness honors our veterans during their time of need by providing fresh flowers with letters of gratitude and encouragement
With a strong vision and a simple mission, Bouquet of Kindness illustrates the positive benefits of giving and receiving flowers. Everyone benefits when we are kind and compassionate, that’s why we deliver beautiful bouquets of flowers to those struggling with injury, illness and the aging process
We all know that receiving flowers makes people happy. But what you may not have known is that there's actually scientific evidence that shows flowers perceptively enhance people's moods, both instantly and in the long term. So why do bouquets of our favorite blossoms have this effect? Take a look at these testimonials to see for yourself
Bouquet of Kindness hosts one major fundraising event every year. Put your brand in front of our loyal supporters and an audience that’s passionate about improving the individual health and wellness of those who need it most. Inquire about the various sponsorship levels with related sponsor benefits that are available for each