Bouquet of Kindness is organized for charitable purposes in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is dedicated to providing floral bouquets to hospitals, hospice, and veterans medical facilities
Bouquet of Kindness is organized for charitable purposes in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is dedicated to providing floral bouquets to hospitals, hospice, and veterans medical facilities
“There are no words big enough to express our gratitude and appreciation for your random acts of kindness. Knowing there are kind and compassionate people in this world makes it easier for our family to get through these difficult times”
“This hits my heart... 2 of my passions as well. Flowers have magical power. Flowers make me smile. I love that this organization helps people hopefully smile with flowers.”
“Thank you for starting such a beautiful organization. My father was a florist and a veteran, so your vision is so beautiful to me!”